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The electronic music scene ten years ago looked a lot different than it does today. Artists weren’t getting their tracks in major motion pictures, AAA video game titles weren’t creating full albums of EDM-inspired tracks, let alone creating bespoke events in-game, nor were there any major fashion brands giving artists sponsorships or ambassadorships. Today, EDM artists are selling out the biggest stadiums in world and tackling new challenges, but it’s nice to look back at when times were simpler.

Today marks ten years since the release of Spitfire, the groundbreaking debut EP from Porter Robinson. Back when OWSLA was still releasing music, banking on a no-name at the time like Porter was a risk from a business standpoint, but it was less about the business and more about the raw talent that this 19-year-old oozed out of every pore.

Almost every song on Spitfire is iconic, from “Unison” to the seminal “100% In The Bitch,” not to mention Knife Party’s remix of “Unison,” themselves still a very young group at the time having just split off from Pendulum.

Spitfire represents an incredible era in dance music, one that those fortunate enough to have experienced in person look back on with fondness. Go back a decade and listen to Porter’s origins below.


Photo via Rukes.com

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Ten Years Ago Today, Porter Robinson Released His Debut EP, ‘Spitfire,’ on OWSLA

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