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Skrillex, LUDMILLA, Duki & King Doudou team up for “Vai Sentando” off FAST X Soundtrack

In the midst of Skrillex producing his third and fourth albums this year, following up Quest For Fire and Don’t Get Too Close released in February, he’s also had time to team up with LUDMILLA, Duki, and King Doudou for a track on the official FAST X soundtrack out today.

If you’ve seen any of the Fast films, you know how well this track fits into the universe they’ve established. It has a ton of Latin flair with a noticeably high-octane production that would fit in any race meetup, or even a simple character intro. Within the Fast universe, it’s extremely versatile but even separating it from the franchise, it’s just a super fun track on its own.

Listen below.

Photo by Marilyn Hue

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Skrillex, LUDMILLA, Duki & King Doudou team up for “Vai Sentando” off FAST X Soundtrack

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