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Shöckface and ero808 begin the new year forging a new friendship as solid as steel with the release of their new single ‘Inbetween,’ out now on Lowly Palace. After their massively successful collaboration ‘METANÖIA,’ the two bright creative souls have returned with a thrilling new masterpiece that is bound to stand the test of time.

‘Inbetween’ utilizes impassioned vocals and anthemic builds that stir a rich, heartwarming feeling in the soul. Shöckface and ero808 know how to perfectly fuse gritty jaw dropping layered bass with soft harmonious vocal textures. Shöckface crafts an alluring and hypnotic introduction only to be complimented by the Denver based singer-songwriter and producer, ero808’s illustrious vocals.

Listen to ‘Inbetween’ below and read what ero808 had to say about the creative process behind writing ‘Inbetween.’ 

“I was in between living situations when I wrote this. I remember just being posted up inside my car, writing, in a Whole Foods parking lot (they always have free WiFi). I had a lot on my mind that day. I sent the vocals to Shöckface and he built all the production around them. Not many producers can do that well, but he’s a fuckin genius man. This song was the beginning to me and Shöckface’s musical relationship, and we’ve worked on so many projects since then. I can’t wait for you guys to hear it all.”

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This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Shöckface and ero808 Release Impassioned New Single ‘Inbetween’

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