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In 2005, TATE SEDAR was on Garageband at every Apple store in and around his hometown of San Francisco. There, he found his passion for music production. What he didn’t know then though was it would take years to find skill in it, all while trying to grow up. In adolescence he continued to juggle life with music, school and jobs. Beyond production classes & self-taught basics, he spent high school nights in the early 2010s developing his skills with little advanced resources available at the time. The inability to sound professional brewed perfectionism into college, leaving tracks like “Find a Way” (from 2012) unfinished. After the deaths of Tim Bergling and Pierce Fulton, SEDAR saw parallels in his mental health. This led him to reestablish a drive to refine his skillset, tackle shortcomings and lower expectations of himself since 2020.

Today, we are thrilled to premiere his now finished single, “Find A Way“, along with a music video for you to watch. It’s nothing short of amazing, as SEDAR welcomes you into his beautiful, whimsical world the minute you press play. “Find A Way” carries big electro-pop energy, highlighting SEDAR’s strength not only with chords, but with sounds as well. Whether you hear this in your playlist or on the main stages at festivals this summer, you can count on feeling the incessant urge to dance your way thought the entire song.

The analogous structure of SEDAR’s life is shown in the video co-created with Chris Adams (shot for Insomniac & Goldenvoice events) and Eugene Luu (Armada, Pyro & Eclypse). It follows the discourse of mental health issues in the production career, observed by his producer peers first-hand and in the passing of Bergling & Fulton. SEDAR states: “I think it’s time to be open about it.

Watch and listen below!

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: PREMIERE: TATE SEDAR Creates Bright Electro-Pop Single, “Find A Way”

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