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Phocust has been shaking the dance floors for some time now, sharing the stages with heavyweights like Ace Aura and Flux Pavilion, to name a few. His thunderous beats have also earned the attention from many, including Flux Pavilion and his label Circus Records, the home of Phocust’s brand new ‘Pneuma‘ EP.

Phocust strikes gold on this EP, delivering an unforgettable experience with four head-banging tracks. To give us the full spiritual experience, Phocust has teamed up with two epic artists. Fellow Circus talent, Ipsiom, lends his modern bass chops to the sublime track “Vessel”, while electro-pop artist joegarratt’s surreal vocal performance takes “Otherside” to a whole new plane. His previous single “Digital Love” also makes an appearance, packing a punch with a gritty vocal paired with massive synths. “Burdens” wraps up the EP in perfect fashion, featuring a soulful vocal that swells into a wub-tastic drop that is excellent through and through.

Pneuma is the Greek word for “Spirit” or “Breath of life”. With this project I pray for the music and sounds to uplift and heal your soul. May they help you come to life again through a new encounter with the Spirit. – Phocust

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This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Phocust Unveils Booming ‘Pneuma’ EP Off Flux Pavilions Circus Records

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