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It is always super satisfying when a track can grab you with its clean and impactful melodies and sound design. Such is the case with Martron’s latest smash, ‘The Feeling’. Lose yourself with a super fresh vocal topline, grooving layers of percussion and ear catching melody.

Martron (real name Marlon Nigro) born in New York and has already showed a musical ambition and talent from very young. Growing up a classically trained musician, Martron discovered his fondness for electronic music in his senior year of high school. Martron crafts a unique yet balanced blend in his music that combines his charming classical roots with his energetic electronic sound


We had the chance to interview this promising producer and here is what he had to say.

Was it hard to come up with the premise for ‘The Feeling?’

Absolutely not. Although “The Feeling” has a bunch of layers, I’ve always wanted to write a song about what it felt like to be loved or in love and to share that with the world. The issue was that I was never able to come up with a track that perfectly described what I was trying to say. This track says everything I want to and more, I couldn’t be more proud of how it turned out.     

 Did you make what you thought you would, or did the track take on a life of its own and you ‘followed its lead?’

That’s a great question. Most of the time I never end up making what I thought I would and “The Feeling” is no exception. Once I got the chords down and started putting the vocal chops together, the rest of the writing felt like I was water skiing. I just went with the vibe.

Do you have more releases you plan to drop this year?

Oh yeah, I have a couple more singles planned and a remix that’s part of a massive package dropping soon. There might be some collabs dropping as well, can’t say with who yet but most of them are very close to ready.

Do you have a favorite genre you make?

Right now I have to say no, mainly because I like to stay versatile and write a bit of everything. I never wanna be limited to one genre, especially when so much of my growth has come from writing and listening to different types of music. I’ll have days for example when I hear something Chandler Leighton drops and go “Woah I wanna make something like that!”, only to then hear something Moore Kismet drops and go “Woah I wanna make something like that!”, only to then hear something So Dope drops and go “Woah I wanna make something like that!”, only to sit down and make something completely different from what I’ve heard that day! But as long as my sound is still present throughout the track, I’ll write whatever genre I’m feeling at the moment.    

Can you see yourself releasing an EP or album?

Without a doubt, I’ve always wanted to and intend on doing so. It just depends on the right tracks fitting together and the overall feeling I want the project to have. I’ve also been releasing my tracks independently for the most part and would love to put an EP/Album out on a label. Just the thought of having any of my dream labels’ logos on the artwork alone is so cool to me.  How long have you been making music for?

I’ve been making music my whole life. From obligatory childhood piano lessons to learning flute, then relearning piano, then writing classical music and then producing, it’s been a wild ride. This year marks 10 years of producing, it’s been a long and rewarding journey ever since I opened up Garageband back in 2012.

What are you excited about in regards to the future?

The biggest thing I’m excited for is my growth and where it leads me. Sometimes I look back at where I was a few years ago and go “holy shit!” After finding my sound and starting to take more care of myself physically and mentally, my music has sounded so much better and it gets better everyday. It’s even starting to get noticed by artists I’ve looked up to for years which is bonkers to me. Things just feel like they’re moving in the right direction and it’s only gonna get better from here.

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Martron Releases Releases The Serotonin Boosting ‘The Feeling’ & Exclusive Interview

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