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Martin Garrix Co-Produced, Mixed, & Mastered New U2 Single ‘Your Song Saved My Life’ from Sing 2 Movie

When Martin Garrix and U2 teamed up for “We Are The People” for the EURO 2020 earlier this year, the experience must have been a good one because the Irish rock band called upon the Dutch producer once again to co-produce, mix, and master their new single “Your Song Saved My Life” from the movie Sing 2.

Super stoked to share that I co-produced, mixed and mastered the new @u2 single ‘Your Song Saved My Life’ for the movie Sing 2. enjoy!! @singmovie pic.twitter.com/TCv7XrGxBR

— MARTIN GARRIX (@MartinGarrix) November 5, 2021

The song sounds impeccably crisp and clear, owing to Garrix’s near-decade producing his own hit music. Listen below!

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Martin Garrix Co-Produced, Mixed, & Mastered New U2 Single ‘Your Song Saved My Life’ from Sing 2 Movie

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