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Louis The Child & Livingston Drop Vibrant Heartbreak Anthem “Hole In My Heart” [LISTEN]

Louis The Child have unleashed their brand new single “Hole In My Heart” with viral singer/songwriter Livingston.

Caught up somewhere between a lovesick pop cut and an upbeat dance track, “Hole In My Heart” is bursting with vibrant sound and emotion — and heartbreak has never sounded so sweet.

Louis The Child share of the release:

This song was one of our favorites to play every night on tour and we’re so happy with how Livingston sounds on it. He’s got one of those voices that just captivates you. He’s a really special human and we’re so happy to finally share this song with you.

Listen here!

Louis The Child – Hole In My Heart (with Livingston)

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Louis The Child & Livingston Drop Vibrant Heartbreak Anthem “Hole In My Heart” [LISTEN]

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