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On a mission to help listeners realize their full potential and provoke self-appreciation through his music, Isaiah Brown closed out 2022 has proven to be an artist to watch. In November of last year, the rising artist dropped his debut album, DREAMERBOY, which received widespread attention for its innovative soundscapes and genre bending tracks. One of our favorites was “Me & U”, a trippy, soulful track landing somewhere between Diplo and James Blake.  

Now, Isaiah has released a visually compelling music to the song, packed with mesmerizing  camera shots, transcendent effects, and vivid coloring, while centered around Isaiah himself. It seems to perfectly encapsulate the feeling you get listening to the song itself.

“Despite all of the hardships and obstacles life can bring, the best thing we can do is continue to push for our dreams. This song has been in the works and on the back burner for so long, it reminds me how strong our determination can be and no matter what we will always find a way to rise above.” – Isaiah Brown

Check it out below!


This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Isaiah Brown Drops Visually Compelling Music Video To Single “Me & U”

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