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Taylor Swift has been steadily dropping remixes of her hit “Anti-Hero” off her latest album, Midnights. So far she’s done a version with Bleachers, as well as remixes from Roosevelt, Kungs, and Jayda G. Tonight at 11:59p ET, ILLENIUM gets a crack at the song along with an acoustic version out, as well.

Right now, the song is available for purchase for $0.69 on Taylor’s official web store until it’s out everywhere tonight, if you really can’t wait that long. We were curious and $0.69 isn’t going to break the bank, so we got it.

ILLENIUM remixes have become more rare since he’s entered his multi-album era, but surely there was no way he was going to turn this one down. With his characteristic piano chords and emphatic synths, the song gets a perfect peak-hour remix with lyrics that are going to have the whole crowd screaming, “It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me” and “sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby.” (Yes, that’s a real lyric, if you haven’t heard the song yet.)

The remix is out on all platforms later tonight.


Photo by Eddie Perlas / ESPN Images

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: ILLENIUM tapped for official remix of Taylor Swift’s “Anti-Hero”

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