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Famba is a multi-facted artist who cannot be contained to just one genre of dance music. The young artist hailing from Canada has proven himself in the commercial dance space with billboard charting singles like “Storm“, and also has the ability to create deep and infectious tech house tracks, like his collaboration with Cloverdale with “Rush On Me“, that are club weapons.

Now, he’s back, this time teaming up with vocalist Glasgow Ki$$ for their sizzling new single, “No Sleep”, signed to SONY Canada. From its opening salvo, the beat drives ahead relentlessly as it backs the chant-like incantation of the vocals. Everything comes together seamlessly for a thundering drop, filled with adrenaline inducing percussion fills, synth stabs, and dynamic sound effects

Making a conscious decision to steer his music in a different direction than his earlier material, Famba says “I got into making this music because of my love for clubs and festivals. During lockdown, I realized that I wouldn’t be fulfilled until I started releasing music that would be played in those places.

Listen below!


This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Famba Drops Sizzling Club Single, “No Sleep” ft. Glasgow Ki$$

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