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Exclusive: Whipped Cream Talks New Music, Living Through Love, Plus Much More

During Ultra Music Festival in Miami last March we caught up with Canadian producer Caroline Cecil aka Whipped Cream who has kept an avid fanbase ever since her music career began back in 2015 with the release of her “Law of Attraction EP.” We sat down with Whipped Cream just 1 hour before she would takeover the Worldwide stage at Ultra.

Hey Caroline, Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. How does it feel to be back in Miami playing Ultra?

I’m so excited. I dont think Ive ever been so excited for a set. I think the only reason why that is, is that I’ve never been so ready for a show. I have so much new music ready that I got to work on during the lockdown.

And as far as your release schedule do you have your albums and singles for the year planned out?

Yea, I have one that comes out right after Coachella. And I’ll probably do a project following suit.

I recently saw that you were in the studio with up and coming producer Juelz. Are there any up and coming artists that you resonate with sonically that you would like to work on new music with? 

One producer that I recently just found and he’s been around for a while actually is Corvad. He actually has a record in the new Batman movie and that’s how I found him and all of his music is really killer. I really like this guy Knock2. I really think he’s going to be a big time producer really soon. Obviously I really like Juelz. We have a record coming out together in June or July.

Being one of the most prominent female DJs in electronic music. What insight could you lend or what changes do you think could be made to allow more women to enter the space?

I think a lot of stuff that happens to me and a lot of other women is unfair because a lot of it goes unspoken about and a lot of us just bite our tongue. And to each their own. If you really believe in yourself and you really believe you’re a hard worker. Just know within yourself that you’re deserving to be here and that your work will speak for itself. Have utter belief in yourself, put your blinders on and nothing else matters. Nothing else matters except what you’re doing. 

What is the most important piece of knowledge or advice that you have specifically accrued through extensive years of touring in the music industry?

When I started I remember walking out of my retail job. I was working a 9-5 and I knew I loved music so much. And I walked out of the retail job knowing I was going to make music. I remember I decided it with such conviction like I already was the big innovative music producer and pioneer of my craft. And I didnt even know how to make music at that time. But I felt it and I knew it. I knew what I wanted to do, which was to do music out of love. Now to fast forward 8 years into the future sitting next to you. I live in Caroline’s truth every single day. That feeling when you already know everything is good it doesn’t matter what the outer world is saying to you. You have to believe in yourself. And I haven’t even scratched the surface.

Are there any influences or even non musical influences that played a heavy role into shaping your project today?

Definitely early James Blake, Tyler The Creator, A$AP Rocky, Frank Ocean, Danny Brown, Active Child, Obviously Kanye West, Skrillex, DJ Sliink, Swizzymack.I also really like cinema and movies and being out in nature in the greater universe. And just watching people. I’m really weird and I don’t fit in but that’s okay. 

What advice do you have to up and coming creatives who look up to you, your project, and your music?

I think I would tell them to believe in your vision. Have your ears open because there’s a lot of people around you who want to help you. Don’t be stubborn. The quicker you can lose your ego and not be afraid to get dirty and messy the better. Dont give a fuck what anyone else says. Were all souls were all energy. Just be a good person. You’ve got to live through love. If you dont you have to figure it out and do it as quick as possible to move towards love every day of your life.

Featured image via: @capturedbyjosh

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Exclusive: Whipped Cream Talks New Music, Living Through Love, Plus Much More

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