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In 2022, the ladies are bringing back classic Dance music. Eli Barillas is no exception to creating heartfelt music. The singer/songwriter has been building her career since 2010. She began to create Youtube videos showcasing her authentic persona and raw singing talent. Barillas also taught herself how to play the piano throughout this process. After her move to L.A. in 2020, Eli released her most notable project thus far, “ELI” It’s worth pointing out that Keyyz executively produced and wrote this entire project.

Catchy melodies and unwavering groove find symbiotic harmony on a track whose wisdom is just as palpable as it is understated. Though “Liquid Tears” is one of the most energetic tracks from Barillas to date, her near-universal affinity for admired songwriting isn’t lost as she widens her scope and hones her sound. With more music slated for the near future as spring turns to summer, Eli Barillas is an artist that needs to stay on your radar.

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Eli Barillas Proves Her Prowess In Anticipated Single “Liquid Tears”

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