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Dream Tonic (Kristin Allen-Farmer) is a San Diego based singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and music producer. In addition to performing and recording, she writes music for film and TV, with her latest tracks being featured in the new Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser Adventure hotel at Disney World! She pairs a lifetime of being a classically trained pianist with her love of electronic dance music and the result is incredible.

Kristin is also a member of the Class of 808, an elite squad of EDM producers who release music under the Producer Dojo label, founded by prestigious bass music pioneer, ill.Gates. Out today is Dream Tonic’s brand new EP, ‘Essence‘, signed to Producer Dojo. It’s a downtempo masterpiece, delivering a sensational ride you don’t want to get off of.

Spark” kicks off the EP in cinematic fashion as sustained piano chords help set the mood and platform the vocal work from Kristin. “Loving’s Coming Down On Me” follows, with blissful melodies and a driving back beat co-produced by Ill Gates. “Step Inside My Mind” is sheer beauty, perfectly balancing breathy vocals with a downtempo beat that feels reminiscent of Beach House.

Stranded” is sonic ear candy, as various effects play on Kristin’s vocals and the synths that pulse in and out. Hello Ego’s remix to “Promise Of A Day” caps off the EP wonderfully, injecting a smooth experimental bass groove that exudes a trippy nature, giving the feeling of something that could really go off at a festival.

“Story around the song: Although this entire EP has songs of darkness intermingled with hope, there is one particular song – “Spark” – that stands out to me. When I wrote Spark, I was in the middle of going through a very dark time. I had recently lost a person that I loved very much in a sudden and unexpected way. I felt like I was living in a black hole with no way out. Then I remembered that there are people around me who love me, who are still living, and that they need me to emerge, to come out and be my fullest, truest self. This song is a testament to anyone who loves someone and serves as their mirror, reminding them of the fullness of their beauty and potential when they can’t remember it themselves. “ – Dream Tonic

Listen below!

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Dream Tonic Drops Ethereal Downtempo / Electronic Inspired ‘Essence’ EP

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