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We’re only in June and Crankdat has pumped out a track a month in 2022 with his latest “Ding Dong” on Monstercat. And wow is it fun.

A track can be mechanically and theoretically ‘good’ without being fun, and it can also go the other way. But Crankdat truly turns the enjoyment up on this track. I can only imagine how he was acting, sitting in his studio playing this back after finishing it, but I’m at home absolutely bouncing. Between all of the tempos and rhythms and the instant serotonin from hearing “DING DONG” throughout the track, there’s no doubt that this is going to have crowds losing their minds at shows.

Check out “Ding Dong” below! Want to hear it live? Crankdat is playing Avalon in Los Angeles on July 16 – get tickets here.

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Crankdat turns the fun up to 11 with new single “Ding Dong,” out on Monstercat

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