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Get ready to drizzle some mad and smooth tunes over your ears with some of Brunel Wekho’s awesome work as he’s gaining more and more followers at lightning speed on many platforms like Spotify. His EDM music offerings are a big hit, with Wekho having a history of working with many top record companies in Europe.

His latest signing was in 2018 with Belgian Record Company CNR Records. This allowed him to write, produce, and work with artists like Cleymans & Van Geel. He’s also worked alongside Kevin Lyttle, Slongs, Zowe, Bobby and MATTN on projects helping him achieve a firm footing in the industry. So, what’s his origin story, and what’s currently coming out of this growing star?

Brunel also known as Wekho is a Congolese-Belgian record producer, songwriter, entrepreneur, and label owner. He excels at being flexible, and while he has EDM offerings, he also has many others, including popand easy listening. This has allowed Brunel to gain attention from all aspects of the music industry increasingly. He has several singles under his brand Wekho with Armada Music, a Dutch dance label, and Blanco Y Negro, a Spanish dance label. This shows Brunel’s ability to delve into a whole variety of music scenes and keep the listener’s ears clear of repetition.

Current albums that are deeply popular with Brunel’s fan club include ‘Deep House Hits Ibiza 2018’, ‘Truth Never Lies (2019)’, and ‘Armada Invites Radio (2018)’. Also, check out ‘Let Us Make A Sign (2019)’ and ‘Lone Wolves (2019)’ for Wekho’s more unique sound.

And that’s not all Wekho has in the tank! Stay tuned for more from this exciting artist


This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Brunel Wekho; Making Waves and Heading for Shore

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