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Boys Noize, Pussy Riot, and Alice Glass team up for dark acid collaboration, “Chastity”

With “Chastity,” Pussy Riot and Alice Glass wield Boys Noize’s racing techno-NRG as a weapon of mass domination. The femme-fatale vocalists take turns drenching the Berlin producer’s dark adrenaline with syrupy acid – and while it’s an undeniable peak-time rush, a closer listen to the lyrics reveal disturbing new details.

One can never know for sure if the ladies are just singing along or issuing commands. Did Boys Noize know his production was being used by Pussy Riot and Alice Glass to create the first sissy-hypno-core banger? But the question that “Chastity” has everyone really asking is, “Who has the key?”

Pussy Riot’s Nadya Tolokonnikova says: “This song will put the patriarchy in a tiny cage and throw the key out.”

Watch below.

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Boys Noize, Pussy Riot, and Alice Glass team up for dark acid collaboration, “Chastity”

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