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Black Tiger Sex Machine only just released an album a year ago with Once Upon A Time In Cyberworld. Today, approximately 10 days prior to that album’s one-year anniversary, they’ve announced their next album is already on its way: PORTALS.

The trio hasn’t released any original music since that album’s release, though they put out a remix EP for “Cheatcode” this past September. So you can expect any singles released from now on this year to be on the album come release in October.

Check out the album art and announcement below, and catch BTSM on tour this year as more dates are announced here.

PORTALS. New album coming this October. Until then, prepare yourself for a full year of music, visuals and storytelling. Prepare to be immersed into unknown worlds and dimensions. Open your mind and step inside our portal. 🔮 pic.twitter.com/8olRLbAE89

— Black Tiger Sex Machine (@OfficialBTSM) January 18, 2023


Photo via Rukes.com

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Black Tiger Sex Machine announce new album ‘PORTALS’ coming later this year

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