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alice.km Takes Us to New Worlds and on a Transformational Journey on Latest EP, ‘Prisms’

Early riser alice.km is up everyday ready to create music everyday. Her latest EP Prisms defines a new start to her career as an artist and the host label, Lots of Practice starts a statement of a new beginning with the first melodic house and techno houses release. Prisms shares a inner glimpse into alice.km’s world painting scenery of cinematic landscapes and intricate electronic sound design.

This five track EP starts with the soothing yet grooving Cazimi, with tight basslines and well crafted melodic harmonies. After this we have the lead single, ‘Crystaline’ which captures the essence of such an angular and geological structure through the implementation of electric guitar. I’m obsessed with the definitive groove and bassline of this track which powers its energy and gives all other elements driving energy and forever flowing magic.

This EP is special is so many ways in its dedication and attention to detail from start to finish, I highly recommend alice.km’s EP Prisms for anyone taking a roadtrip or taking a moment to reflect as instantly you are taken on journey which only ventures within.

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: alice.km Takes Us to New Worlds and on a Transformational Journey on Latest EP, ‘Prisms’

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