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Last year, ZHU released his latest album, DREAMLAND, and followed it up with a deluxe version that included two brand new songs – “Coral.PINK (feat Trombone Shorty)” and “Mannequins & Egos” – plus five previously released tracks that were not included on the original album.

Since then, he’s been touring and playing shows, holding off on releasing any new music. Until today.

ZHU says, “When I was young, we would rip our favorite songs off the radio straight onto cassettes. I wanted to make something that reminded my fans of an era that was more physical.”

Enter — Musical Chairs Mixtape.

Musical Chairs Mixtape (Vol. 1) features seven brand-new tracks that offer up a kaleidoscopic range of moods, styles and tempos, all tied together by ZHU’s atmospheric production and distinctive vocals. He’s joined by Elderbrook on the buoyant “Unbothered,” while other collaborators include Mr. Carmack (“Wet”), Channel Tres, Kiko Franco, Boy Matthews, partywithray, Phil Scully, Bava, sillygirlcarmen, Rush Davis, JADED, Mitch Bell and Aaron Leibowitz. The mixtape also includes the poignant, cinematic “I Wonder,” which finds ZHU contemplating what became of someone from his past. The track has emerged as the most requested of all the new songs ZHU premiered during his EDC Las Vegas show in May.

Check it all out below!


Photo via Joey Vitalari

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: ZHU Releases First Original Music Of 2022 with “Musical Chairs Mixtape Vol. 1”

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