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Win VIP Tickets for you and 9 of your friends to see Zedd at Canacopia in Arizona

Zedd just released a new song with Maren Morris and BEAUZ, “Make You Say,” and now you can hear it live!

Your EDM is teaming up with Forty8 Live to give away TEN VIP tickets to Canacopia in Mesa, Arizona on Saturday, September 10 where you can see Zedd, What So Not, Joey Valance and Brae, The Brook & The Bluff, and Evening Elephants.

Enter below for your chance to win!

Win VIP Tickets for you and 9 of your friends to see Zedd at Canacopia in Arizona (Contest on Hive.co)


Photo via Rukes.com

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Win VIP Tickets for you and 9 of your friends to see Zedd at Canacopia in Arizona

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