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Eric Prydz and Anyma's Coachella B2B Set

A fan recorded the whole three-hour Eric Prydz b2b Anyma set on tape. Thank goodness we can experience the magic. Coachella was a big deal for Eric Prydz and Anyma. It was the first time ever that they played right after each other. It took place at the new Quasar stage at the festival. The two big names in electronic music mixed their well-known tracks together. The famous HOLO” show by Prydz and Anyma’s “Genesys” images came together. It turned out to be a unique audiovisual trip.

Prydz started things off. To start, he did his usual “Liam” opening. After that, the Swedish DJ and artist put out all of his different alias projects. Old favorites like “Kings of Prydzopolis” and “Moody Tuesdays” were played. IDs that people wanted got the crowd excited.

AAnyma added his melodic dance sound. Big songs like his version of “Last Night” went crazy. There was a sense that the two were in sync with each other. The sounds and styles of each worked perfectly with the others. It kept building up energy.

It was a mesmerizing sight to see. The hologram lasers from Prydz and Anyma’s fractal spheres worked together. Even a “HoloGenesys” hybrid output was shown for the first time. “Eternity” and “Proper Education” were mixed together in a way that made my mind melt.

Prydz and Anyma made the event religious. The dance floor moved as if it were one body. A lot of new versions of old songs like “Somebody’s Watching Me” came out.

A roar shook the building when it was over after three hours. This “HoloGenesys” hint show gave hints of something bigger while it was over.

The whole show is watchable below. Enjoy the magic

The post Watch the full Eric Prydz and Anyma’s Coachella B2B Set appeared first on The Groove Cartel.

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