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Imagine connecting your phone to a satellite hundreds of kilometers away using regular Bluetooth! That’s exactly what Hubble Network, a tech startup, just achieved for the first time ever. They needed just a software update on the Earth-based device, opening the door to a future where Bluetooth can connect to satellites.


Hold on, how is this possible when your Bluetooth headphones sometimes struggle a few feet away? Here’s the trick: Hubble Network’s satellites have special antennas that act like magnifying glasses for Bluetooth signals. Plus, their clever software update boosts communication range.

This breakthrough lets regular Bluetooth devices talk to satellites using low power, a first in the industry. It’s all thanks to Hubble Network’s founders, a dream team of tracking technology experts. They even overcame challenges like the Doppler effect, which messes with radio signals due to the satellite’s high speed.

Hubble Network

Founded in Seattle by Alex Haro (of Life360 fame) and Ben Wild (founder of Iotera, a GPS tracking company), Hubble Network has been on a roll. They raised a cool $20 million earlier this year, showing the excitement around their revolutionary idea.

Think about a smart doorbell that keeps working even if the Wi-Fi goes out, or sensors on an oil rig that can send data without needing a ton of power. With Hubble’s network, these wouldn’t be problems anymore.


Hubble’s network does more than just connect things – it allows them to share way more information than just location. This could be a game-changer for tons of industries, from keeping track of deliveries to monitoring wildlife. Basically, Hubble Network is taking the familiar tech of Bluetooth and supercharging it for a whole new world of possibilities.

Hubble Network has only begun its audacious mission. Their initial toehold consists of just two orbiting satellites, a mere shadow of their planned β€œproduction constellation” of 36. Yet, these two pioneers have already achieved a connection stretching 600km – a testament to the ingenuity behind Hubble’s vision.

Their roadmap is ambitious, bordering on fantastical. A β€œbeta constellation” of four satellites, slated for launch in early 2025, promises users a taste of the future: daily connectivity for low-bandwidth devices. But the true prize lies ahead – a massive launch in 2026 unleashing the full 36-satellite network. This behemoth, Hubble contends, will transform the landscape of global connectivity, enabling a staggering billion devices to talk directly to satellites via Bluetooth. (Source)

The post This Company Connected a Phone to a Satellite With Bluetooth appeared first on EDMTunes.

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