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Steve Aoki & Armin van Buuren Releasing Their First Collaboration, “Music Means Love Forever,” This Friday

Two of EDM’s biggest artists are finally appearing on a track together later this week, with Steve Aoki & Armin van Buuren releasing “Music Means Love Forever.”

The two have remixed each other before, but this is the first time that they are coming together on a track. A perfect fusion of both artist’s styles, the festival anthem features a lively mixture of Steve’s big room electro sound and Armin’s signature progressive trance palette.

“Music Means Love Forever” has been played out at live events since at least July, so fans are sure to be excited for the collaboration’s final release. Stay tuned this Friday to hear the full track.


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This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Steve Aoki & Armin van Buuren Releasing Their First Collaboration, “Music Means Love Forever,” This Friday

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