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It’s been six years since the first Slushii album, and after a tumultuous past couple of years, Slushii returns with his second album of the year, A Slushii Summer.

He already released E.L.E (Extinction Level Event) with Monstercat earlier this year, and now he heads to Dim Mak for his newest project which leans more pop than heavy. Collaborations with Aviella, Mackenzie Sol, Pauline Herr, and Love Jesse definitely give off that bubbly pop vibe. On the other hand, the final three tracks on the album definitely go harder, bringing on Dr. Ozi, Teddy Killerz, Bok Nero & Softest Hard, and others.

“I had never released this many songs at once ever,” Slushii says. “It was an experiment. It was nice being untethered by traditional album rules and being able to put something out for every single week of summer!”

As summer technically ended yesterday, September 22, this album marks the end of a season, an era? But every song has those summer vibes somewhere.

Listen below and keep scrolling for an interview with Slushii about the album and the process.

A lot of artists have done this sort of thing, releasing one track a month, a week, a day, for however long. Do you feel like you’re learning a lot with this experiment?

Yeah, I definitely think it’s been a learning experience for sure. Usually projects like this have a really overblown marketing plan and take forever to get off the ground, hence the minimalistic approach and the weekly direct to streaming methods of release.

Since you’ve switched it up for this album, have you seen any difference in fan engagement with each new release?

I feel like the coolest part is that each fan has gravitated towards a different song. The engagement across all of them has been pretty similar and there’s no consensus on which one is the ‘best song’, which I think is really cool!

Can you elaborate about the Slushii Summer concept as a whole?

Basically it’s a collection of songs I’ve written over the pandemic that didn’t really have a home, and rather than slowly trickle these records out I wanted to release them rapid fire to give the fans a steady flow of music for the entire summer!

Since signing with Dim Mak, how do you feel about the support you’ve gotten from the label especially with this unique project?

It’s been great, I think that they’ve been able to really encapsulate the vision I had for this project to the fullest for sure.

You’ve managed to release an album nearly every year since 2016, not to mention other albums from sapientdream. How do you keep up with and manage that level of intense productivity?

Honestly it’s something that I just ‘do’. My mind is an ever flowing waterfall of music and to not write means existentialism and boredom for me. So I basically write to keep myself busy.

Once the album is out, and the current tour dates are done, you think you’ll just head back in the studio and pump out another album for next year?

Honestly I have no idea what’s in store for the future of Slushii. The story I’ve told with all of you over the past 7 years has been amazing and is something I will be forever grateful for. Even if I put down the pen after this, it was amazing to collaborate and meet my heroes, as well as work with some of the best and brightest minds in the industry.


Photo via @druenotdrew

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Slushii returns with his second album of the year, “A Slushii Summer” [Interview]

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