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Sentient & Nina Sung team up for “Undercover Runaway” on newly minted Cultiv8 Records

We’re always happy to report on artists and teams taking their releases into their own hands and going independent. Cultiv8 Artists, who works with a number of artists and vocalists like Highlnd, OMAS, Dani King, TINYKVT, Gracie Van Brunt, Nikademis, and more, just launched Cultiv8 Records.

For the label’s first release, Sentient and Nina Sung team up for “Undercover Runaway.” While the track gradually heightens in energy, Nina’s passionate vocal line floods in with a hypnotic prowess. Then, Sentient takes the reins and beckons to bass heads with irresistibly punchy basslines and guttural growls.

“I’m super stoked to have the first release on Cultiv8 Records. Ever since CULTIV8 started, I could just tell that the company was going to expand and grow into something special. When I found out that we were building a record label, I got so excited. Stoked to have the record that kicks off all of the fun too!” – Sentient

“I was fighting a lot within myself about moving forward and committing in my relationships. I just couldn’t get myself to get past all the stories of heartbreak, both of my own and others and allow myself to be loved, even when it’s all I ever wanted. It’s always funny to me how we’ll run and hide from the very things we want, because someone has convinced us that we don’t deserve it.” – Nina Sung

Listen below.

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Sentient & Nina Sung team up for “Undercover Runaway” on newly minted Cultiv8 Records

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