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Sable Valley Summer Vol. 3 Out Tomorrow, with RL Grime x Hex Cougar, Holly x Baauer, X&G, and more

As it has been, as it will be. The annual Sable Valley Summer compilation is here to lead us out of the heat and into hoodie season, but not without getting you hot and sweaty in the clubs one last time this year. It’s all coming out tomorrow so you don’t have much time to prepare — thankfully most (if not all) of the artists have already revealed the tracklist for the compilation via social media.

Sable Valley Summer Vol. 3

September 2https://t.co/5bvklJ5QIS pic.twitter.com/NJqD1xyTkO

— SABLE VALLEY (@SableValley) August 31, 2022

Thankfully, u/SvenDixit on Reddit has compiled most of the posts on social media for the compilation, which includes singles from SSOS, ODEA x Squired, Holly x Baauer, REMNANT.exe, Saka, X&G, and more. We’re also finally getting an official collaboration between RL Grime and Hex Cougar featuring fknsyd, which should be incredible.

Pre-save here and stay tuned for 9p PT/12a ET to listen to it all!

Photo via Rukes.com for AMF

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Sable Valley Summer Vol. 3 Out Tomorrow, with RL Grime x Hex Cougar, Holly x Baauer, X&G, and more

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