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Rezz opens up in rare interview on mental health, insomnia, relationships & more

Rezz has been extremely private about her personal life since she broke into the music industry in 2015. The daughter of Iranian/Ukrainian parents and a member of the LGBTQ+ community, she has stayed largely out of the public eye while becoming comfortable and confident in her own skin.

Overcoming a debilitating battle with insomnia in early 2022, which she considers her greatest obstacle to date, inspired Rezz to go on the podcast SHE/HER/THEY with KITTENS and be more vulnerable and open up about her struggles than ever before. While on a grueling tour schedule, Rezz relied on prescription sleeping medication to the point where it stopped working completely, and a stretch of 6 days without sleep sent her to the hospital.

β€œGetting myself out of that negative spot that I was in was 3x more difficult than becoming successful,” Rezz says in the podcast.

The episode is full of powerful stories, perspectives and lessons-learned. Rezz also opens up her family’s support when she came out to them, her loving/healthy relationship with her partner, knowing how to set boundaries (both personally and professionally), and the importance of taking care of yourself both mentally and physically.

β€œIt’s rare that I speak this in depth about things publicly but after knowing Kittens for like 7 years, I feel it was a safe space to do so! I talk about one specific struggle that i experienced in early 2022 that I truly thought was the beginning of the end for me and the ways which I slowly overcame it!” -Rezz


Photo via Rukes.com | Text via PR

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Rezz opens up in rare interview on mental health, insomnia, relationships & more

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