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Straight out of Chicago, Purple Tones is reshaping the landscape of house / techno / breaks by fusing dark minimal and melodic house music textures with the alluring sounds of analog electronic music. With his meticulous attention to detail and commitment to pushing boundaries, Purple Tones continue to impress artists, labels, and fans all around the world.

He recently released his mesmeric EP titled ‘Visions’ thats a sensational journey from start to finish, constantly keeping the listener on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating where his creativity will take him with each song. No song is the same and his versatility is stunning, offering hypnotic journeys with songs like “Substance Abuse” and “FIYAH (dub)”.

Check it out for yourself below!

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Purple Tone Drops Mesmerizing EP ‘Vision’

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