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Paul Oakenfold talks about the journey to creating his first performance in the metaverse [Interview]

There’s only just over six weeks until Paul Oakenfold revealsΒ Perfectoverse, his first foray into the augmented reality of the metaverse with his own original production, visuals, and original set. After performing at Stonehenge (the first ever to perform there), the base camp at Mount Everest, and the Great Wall of China, the legend is looking forward to entering a whole new universe.

Below, you can watch as he speaks about his history as a legend in electronic music as well as what performing in the metaverse means for the future of his career, and possibly the future of live performance as a whole.

Tickets are on sale now for the performance on December 22. Get your tickets here.



This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Paul Oakenfold talks about the journey to creating his first performance in the metaverse [Interview]

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