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Nightjarr is a new electro-dance project from female Australian/Hong Kong artist Bernice Au, who has already developed an infectious sound that can be likened to a mix between Flight Facilities, Cosmo’s Midnight & Bag Raiders. 

Now, she’s back with a glimmering single, a beautiful fusion between lofi and house, titled “Holding Onto Time” featuring the blissful vocals of Jingle. It’s a hazy experience, as Nightjarr masterfully weaves entrancing melodies within a grooving backbeat that only makes you want keep it on repeat by the time you get to the end.

This track is about our perception of time and how it can be affected by certain things. It always reminds me to let go of the things that do not serve us, and to enjoy the little things. I started the track right before I had a double ankle surgery in 2021, which meant I couldn’t walk for 6weeks during recovery, so I had a sense of urgency to get the draft done. 

The track was done in two summer sessions, and I really wanted to capture that carefree, holiday vibe. I had a lot of fun playing around with samples, tweaking subtle elements, constructing the drum and percussive elements to work around the samples and arranging the track. It was originally going to be an instrumental but when Josh (Jingle) heard the track, he wanted to write lyrics and add vocals to it.

His lyrics are inspired by the perception of time and how that has been affected by lockdown. How a never-ending experience can, in hindsight, be over in a flash.” ~ Nightjarr

Listen below!

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Nightjarr Unveils Glimmering New Single “Holding Onto Time ft. Jingle”

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