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MONOWIRE is a mysterious and anonymous phonk producer whose hypnotic beats seamlessly blend electronic, metal, and hip-hop, resulting in a hypnotic cocktail of sound that makes massive waves with every drop.

His latest single “POV YOU’RE UNSTOPPABLE” is a thrilling ride from start to finish, fusing screamo and bass house with his unique spin that is guaranteed to get your blood pumping. Sonically, it feels like a blur between Justice & Rezz, truly a sound you don’t hear often which also comes extremely polished.

“Music can wield incredible power and when listening to this song you will feel as though you are in fact, unstoppable.”MONOWIRE

Listen below!

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: MONOWIRE Releases Thrilling Phonk Single, “POV YOU’RE UNSTOPPABLE”

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