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Kill The Noise and Seven Lions have collaborated a number of time, for “The Blood,” “Horizon,” “Cold Hearted,” and “Pantheon.” Now, they’re together again for the 3rd single from KTN’s upcoming sophomore album, “Without You.”

Singer Julia Ross, who’s achieved two Billboard #1 records as a co-writer for BTS, provides the perfect vocal performance over the groovy, driving house beat that switches to a huge melodic festival Ophelia Records 2021 banger in the second act. “Without You” continues the string of high performing collabs between the two producers and blends the best of their sound design, styles and melodic sensibility for another unforgettable, genre-blending track.

As 2022 unfolds, Kill The Noise will be unveiling even more material leading up to the release of the album.

Listen to “Without You” below!


Photo via Rukes.com

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Kill The Noise Reunites With Seven Lions For 3rd Album Single & Collab “Without You”

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