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ero808, Shöckfaceand Hubstcy, 3 of bass musics most prominent rising stars have all joined forces for ‘Adrenaline’ out now on Phuture Collective. 

The new moody anthemic bass heater is the first collaboration between Shöckface and Hubstcy. Hubstcy worked on Shöckface’s ‘Poison’ with mark veins and Still Haze adding his signature murky sounding synths to the original as part of the Poison remixes package last October.

Ero808 is no stranger to releasing forward thinking art with Shöckface. With collaborations like ‘Inbetween’ and performing a vocal release of Shöckface’s hit ‘METANÖIA’ the Denver based producer, singer, and songwriter adds his moody enthralling presence to the record.

Adrenaline immediately begins with Shöckface and Hubstcy’s stellar murky production. The record opens up with shimmering synths and atmospheric risers. Ero808’s serendaning vocals immediately make an empathic presence and throw you into a vortex of feels complimented by Hubstcy and Shöckface’s signatures synths and percussion.

Listen to Adrenaline below or stream it on all platforms here.

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This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: ero808, Hubstcy And Shöckface Unleash ‘Adrenaline’ Their Most Forward Thinking Single To Date

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