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Dre Guazzelli is a DJ and producer based in São Paulo, Brazil, who led quite the career since 2004. He wears a lot of different hats, such as being an entrepreneur and running his own events agency, INNER. Guazzelli has a strong presence in Brazil as well as internationally, garning a global fanbase along with building buzz around his captivating appearances in Ibiza and at the Burning Man festival in the United States.

Now, he’s back with a beautiful new single “Rainbow” via David Hohme’s Where The Heart Is imprint. The track features a intriguing spin on the organic house genre, as Dre merges ambiant textures that build seamlessly into a body driving drop. The bass line is sheer perfection as is the percussion, adding an irresistible flair to the track.

Check it out for yourself below!

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Dre Guazzelli Reveals Compelling Single “Rainbow” via Where The Heart Is Records

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