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Amsterdam Music Festival Cancelled Due To COVID, But ADE Will Still Go On

Annual events Amsterdam Music Festival and Amsterdam Dance Event, two of the largest gatherings of dance music fans in the world every year, are facing a crisis this year along with most other events. The former, typically the stage for the reveal of DJ Mag’s Top 100 top 5/10 DJs reveal, will unfortunately not go ahead as planned due to Dutch COVID restrictions calling for the closure of nightclubs until November 1.

β€œWe did all we could to reunite with you on the dancefloor again, but the world is still in a very surreal place and we will have to sadly miss you for one more year. It breaks our hearts that we will have to wait until 22 October 2022 to come together again in our music sanctuary in Amsterdam. ⁣⁣”


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However, Amsterdam Dance Event, the larger, overarching networking and conference event that oversees the festival every year, will move forward.

In a statement on their website, they say, β€œUntil the Dutch government makes its definite decision on these proposed measures, ADE will proceed with its preparations for October in close collaboration with the Amsterdam municipality.”

It continues, β€œWe will be able to provide more clarity on the situation when the government determines its next set of measures on September 17th at the latest. The coming weeks are dependent on the decisions made by the Dutch government and we urge the cabinet to provide clarity as soon as possible, but as always, we are staying focused on the possibilities rather than the limitations facing us.”

We will keep our readers updated on the situation as it unfolds.

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Amsterdam Music Festival Cancelled Due To COVID, But ADE Will Still Go On

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