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In the oversaturated genre of electronic music it’s hard to remain fresh. But the recent collaboration between Bandaii and The Wiccan, titled “Black Magic,” has managed to do just that. The single’s immediate allure lies in its distinctive vocals, creating a hybrid of hip-hop drums and EDM elements.

“Black Magic” showcases a remarkable use of vocal chops, trap drums and wavy synths that truly mark something unique. It’s no surprise that this one broke into the top 100 charts peaking at No. 48, next to some of the top artists in the world. 24-year-old artist Bandaii, a budding artist from Las Vegas, Nevada, has already released an impressive array of five singles in 2023.

Bandaii’s recent performance at BAUHAUS, supporting Vybrant Vibes, has garnered industry attention, with major producers starting to take notice. The success of “Black Magic” on the charts underscores Bandaii and the Wiccan’s meteoric rise,

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: A New Top 100 US Chart Entry: “Black Magic” By Bandaii & The Wiccan

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